Tim: Would like to support wherever I can for the council, Ticket sell rolling and sponsorship
Max: Great, had good time with Ela and Pheobe last time. More understanding of the vision
Aeon: Great, let's move on
- Budget council
- Max: only organize the minimum, no party, swag and recording → Sponsorship packages
- Ask sponsors for the missing positions
- Prio: Payment facilitators
- Sponsorship packages
- feedback given
- Personal Invitations council
- Focus on Follow up for the Ticket sale
- Further needs for Core group (member needs, governance etc?)
- Tim: Feels good
- Max: Roles in core team
- Aeon: Transparency (Core team content, meeting notes)
- Everything should be transparent except personal and sensible data
- Anja checkin in:
- Any preparations for the Community call
- Max Facilitates and records
- Aeon: Secretary
- Agenda
- Will be recorded today (ask for it)
- Overview of recent events (Decisions, planning)
- Last event from core team was at Web3
- Find content and recordings at forum
- Stopped the newsletter
- understand what the community (you) would love to see
- Started a very active forum! (Topics, Discussions, working groups)
- share your tensions, topics, start your own threads
- happy for our active and diverse group chats
- Idea: having a dgov House in the future
- Education
- sharing with community
- wider scope and other different spaces/external groups and community
- Started to work on a DGOV Identity and get feedback from you all → please contribute
- Community call for sharing and collaboration
- Update council planning
- This year it's planned to be more collaborative with participants: Propose your own sessions and talks
- We will be Council stewards - holding organisation and risk for the council2, providing space, catering and Facilitation (also this call)
- Council supporters - contributing time and energy where they can and plugging in
- Would love to see more diversity at this journey of distributed governance
- What do we stand for at the moment (definition after comm have grown a lot)
- Crowd source/Open Agenda
- How concrete participation for the council can look like?
- Feel free to ask for participation and take tasks
- How people would like to see the community calls/expectations
- /
- Open question circle
- /
Next Steps: Aeon/Tim finishing budget with given feedback+final decision and Ticket Sale
Next Steps: How to curate the Talks and Sessions for the Council, Process for the decisions on talks and outreach to speakers etc (3 weeks before the council) - Aeon reach out to her
see Mural board
Next Steps: Aeon create public folder in notion
Open Community Call
See you next Time!