Max / Dragon Dreaming + Platform Canvas workshops
- Max: Workshops for the Council
- Dragon Dreaming Shared Vision
- Platform Design / Canvas
- Reach out to Manuela and Eugenio (Ela)
- Block in Agenda (Aeon)
Next Steps:
Aeon / Council Communication+Personal Follow ups
- Aeon: How it's going on so far → Ideas for improving the process
- Ela: many follow ups
- unclarity: should they get free access for hosting a session?
- Not enough align communication
- more shared excitement
- To much Complexity around the culture (intent, why, motivation)
- helping them to imagine the personal why
- Finding what we can provide for people
- Max: Calls are the best way to go → treat people as VIPs
- Focusing more on follow ups → Be more personal and trigger contextually
- Having a refreshing session for our aligned Vision?
- Max: Implement value Proposition elements for landing page
- Hold each other aware that we need to be consistent with personal follow ups
Next Steps: for all!
Ela / Issue: Tension in group communication
- Ela: Disconnect with the WHY of DGOV, frustrated of the tone in communication
- Irritation also by others that are related to DGOV
- Missing Organization and clarity of the shared vision and connection to others
- Aeon: Kind of a paradox, something like strict settings for strategies, Visions and other decisions are often blamed
Next Steps:
- DGOV Council is an opportunity for clarification
- Aeon: Motiviation because of holding a bigger vision, events are only single important steps
- Max: Motivated because of great learnings in the past and looking forward to meet great people again
- Ela: What keeps people from asking tickets
Max / Mastermind (Method/Format for Collaboration)
- Max will send a link
- diverse groups of people coming together for a specific definition/topic/purpose to help each other out/share expertise/ideas
- "Loosing" Structure (todo lists) and helping each other out with engagements or DGOV
- Aeon: If you want to consult people (DGOV, Out of reach) for specific questions and projects?
Next Steps:
- Max: Exploring the format over the next time and providing content
- Ela: Restructuring the Call format
- Max: Asking and exploring → provide steps for empty centered group architecture
Closing Round
Aeon: At the moment we are not at the point of total trust and a culture of distributed responsibilities
Ela: We did a good job with trusted doings in the past, Group decision making needs to be improved
"Everything which is related to/directly effecting everyone in the team needs to be addressed to everyone"
Exploring more and stay aware for the distribution of leadership and trust