Sprint Planning


  • Know the work - understand it, choose it, task it, volunteer for it.
  • Get a fresh start
  • Commit to shared goals
  • Create focus and abundance


  • If the goal of this sprint were a newspaper headline, what would it be?
  • What is the team composition for this sprint?
  • What is the total team capacity for this sprint?
  • What are the highest business value product backlog items?
  • What are the concerns (technical, political, cultural) about these product backlog items?
  • What other concerns does the team have?
  • Given all this, what are the stories, conditions of satisfaction, tasks, and estimates for the items that will form the sprint backlog?
  • Given all this, is there any change to the stories or conditions of satisfaction for this sprint? Do items need to move from the sprint backlog back to the product backlog?
  • What is the team’s final commitment for this sprint?

“product backlog has four qualities: detailed appropriately, estimated, emergent, and prioritized, making it DEEP”

You intently listen for teachable moments—those moments when a few well-placed words will cause lightbulbs of understanding to light up in their heads.

  • What makes a user story good?
  • How do we create them?
  • Why are they so long-winded?
  • Who is a real user?
  • Harp on business value delivered (so what?)
  • Promote strong product ownership
  • Uphold healthy role boundaries
  • Improve tasking