- Purpose
- Method
- Consider such macro scenarios (Arc) – What if … Zombies
- Key Future Factors
- Хто думає на 100 років
- Demo
- Knowledge base
- understand better the world in 500 years
- take some insights to guide us today
- intriguing intellectual exercise for a limited group of people (can enter or create)
- Include Ukraine in the dialogue (не стрьомних?)
Not started
Discussion #1
Discussion #1
Investigate Forums for such Discussion
What it becomes
What resource it needs
Partner with institutional backing for the conversation
In progress
Search other people timeframe 100+
Search other people timeframe 100+
- Look back to Look forward:
- Mapping of basic types of Sci-fi? Like (Cosmic utopic, Apocalyptic.. etc. etc.)
- Future Vending Machine: gather designers to imagine things that will be sold in the world of the future
create some tangible evidence about the world as it was in 1522-1572. this will help understand the magnitude of change
Consider such macro scenarios (Arc) – What if … Zombies
Need to develop tangible fact about world in 1522-1545 years, to be able to feel the scope of change possible
500 лет = 20 поколений, какой рост продуктивности, какие системные угрозы
Key Future Factors
- Mars Society / Global governance
- Energy / Nuclear synthesis
- Climate Change, Water levels, Tornado
- Demographics
- Species evolution
- Trans-humanism
- Quantum computing
- Space
- Biotech
- Смешение наций и война корпораций
- Экономика: люди, данные, внимание
Хто думає на 100 років
- діти (Грета Турнберг)
- кийтайці
- ми з Саєю
- ООН?
- Ной Харарі?
- Арабські уряди? Дубаї?
- Далай Лама
- Церкви?
- Ілон Маск?
- Іра Соловей?
- …
Habitat 500 - видение от разных ученых
Knowledge base
Futures Literacy Lab: