Jeff Emmett

  • closing the loop in the economy (connect with production)
  • 10M hectars in the network + connection with the token price (Deterministic pricing)
  • Ocean protocol ~data farming (more crypto innovation than computing productivity)
  • Carbon credits on-chain is still early stage, prob. lagging behind web3 activity
  • Validators – prime beneficiaries (institution – big elephant), who should be paid first?? or second? … money should flow further on chain
  • Land owners issuing future carbon / tokens go to them
  • Governance over inflation rates?
  • Example: Accept as much as you get back (story with endaoment communities?)
  • VCs can be predatory? speed of market capture and price for the funding envoked
  • Microsoft & visibility deals? small-mid sized companies/entities?
  • Green energy/solar investments? IoT fees from grids?
  • Role of Jeff / Blockscience (plan & budget)
  • Role of modelling