Impact Logo Upd Brief

What is the current identity of the brand?


Idea was atom as a reference to scientific approach, small things that have great energy, building block of the universe, people and project on many orbits around the core etc.

Here’s more about us:

In some time I’ve learned and appreciated this better model to picture it

What are the brand's values and mission?


  • Сеем разумное, доброе, вечное
  • Творим-вытворяем, создаем
  • Образовываем
  • Развиваем (себя и другие)
  • Исследуем
  • Поддерживаем


  • Self-organization
  • Миссийность
  • Integrity / Holism
  • Culture
  • Professional, Spiritual, Personal Development
  • Openness / Transparency
  • Networking

Who is the target audience of the brand?

  • Волонтеры, инициаторы, агенты перемен
  • Патриоты (Украины... люди культура, не государство)
  • Креативщики / креативный класс
  • Красивые и молодые люди
  • Социальные Активисты, миссионеры
  • Команда, сообщества, друзья

How many people or projects are involved in the ecosystem, and what are they doing?

  • 👉 Activists and changemakers (CSO / civil society)
    • Additionally, Denys mentioned Lapin’s theory of individuals with own agency (authors of their life), ready to take responsibility for the common life (and become co-authors). They can be our target audience across sectors:
    • image
  • Also see:

What is the desired perception of the brand?











What are the brand's unique selling points?

  • Everybody can find smth for themselves
  • It’s lean/agile/adapting
  • It’s metamodern

Let’s look at ImpactUA as a brand or a product. What services does ImpactUA provide? Why should people join the ecosystem?


Are there any specific messaging points you want to convey through your brand identity? Can you provide a short sentence (main message) that will communicate what ImpactUA is?

Для типового бізнесу ми — “організаційний консалтинг” (вплив від якого можна порахувати).

Для інноваційних організацій — ми “формуємо спільноти та підвищуємо синергію, вводимо у стан потоку”.

Для бюрократичних структур — “ми впроваджуємо комунікації зі стейкхолдерами для досягнення поставлених завдань керівництва”.

Impact UA: это площадка для сотрудничества в рамках Целей устойчивого развития и не только. Здесь можно найти партнеров, экспертов, команды и ресурсы.

Taglines: “Everything is connected” “New culture of change”

  • 👉 Impact UA Ecosystem: Connect, Emerge, Influence.

Надо написать что-то похожее на это, main description:

  • “Impact UA is a dynamic ecosystem of social initiatives aimed at enhancing solidarity, resilience and positive changes in Ukraine through a diverse range of programs, partnerships and resources.”
  • “Impact UA is a dynamic hub of individuals and social projects. It's all about connecting people, solving problems and creating positive changes in Ukraine through self-initiated programs and partnerships”

Can you describe the main problems with your current visual identity?

  • People don’t understand the structure of ImpactUA
  • people don’t get what ImpactUA even is. We say:
    • ImpactOS is a mindset (yellow)
    • Impact Ecosystem is a community with its resources (orange & green)
    • Impact think tank is a team (blue)

What are the specific goals of the identity redesign?

  • Inspiration
  • Better look

What are the visual elements that the brand wants to keep? What are the visual elements that the brand wants to change?

  • Keep Atom? 🤷‍♂️

What are the brand's preferred color palette and typography?

  • 🤷‍♂️

Where and how will your brand identity be used?

  • Internal presentation
  • Presentation for potential clients or partners
  • social media (?)

What are the key touchpoints where the new identity will be applied?

  • Website
  • Banners
  • Colour palette, typography, graphic elements
  • Presentation templates
  • Animation

Future Growth. What is the long-term vision for ImpactUA?

Who will be responsible for the implementation of the new identity?

  • Dasha
  • Max
  • Den

What is the timeline for the identity redesign project?

  • Q3 2023?