Impact Logo Upd Brief

What is the current identity of the brand?


Idea was atom as a reference to scientific approach, small things that have great energy, building block of the universe, people and project on many orbits around the core etc.

Here’s more about us:

In some time I’ve learned and appreciated this better model to picture it

What are the brand's values and mission?


  • Сеем разумное, доброе, вечное
  • Творим-вытворяем, создаем
  • Образовываем
  • Развиваем (себя и другие)
  • Исследуем
  • Поддерживаем


  • Self-organization
  • Миссийность
  • Integrity / Holism
  • Culture
  • Professional, Spiritual, Personal Development
  • Openness / Transparency
  • Networking

Who is the target audience of the brand?

  • Волонтеры, инициаторы, агенты перемен
  • Патриоты (Украины... люди культура, не государство)
  • Креативщики / креативный класс
  • Красивые и молодые люди
  • Социальные Активисты, миссионеры
  • Команда, сообщества, друзья

How many people or projects are involved in the ecosystem, and what are they doing?

What is the desired perception of the brand?











What are the brand's unique selling points?

  • Everybody can find smth for themselves
  • It’s lean/agile/adapting
  • It’s metamodern

Let’s look at ImpactUA as a brand or a product. What services does ImpactUA provide? Why should people join the ecosystem?


Are there any specific messaging points you want to convey through your brand identity? Can you provide a short sentence (main message) that will communicate what ImpactUA is?

Для типового бізнесу ми — “організаційний консалтинг” (вплив від якого можна порахувати).

Для інноваційних організацій — ми “формуємо спільноти та підвищуємо синергію, вводимо у стан потоку”.

Для бюрократичних структур — “ми впроваджуємо комунікації зі стейкхолдерами для досягнення поставлених завдань керівництва”.

Impact UA: это площадка для сотрудничества в рамках Целей устойчивого развития и не только. Здесь можно найти партнеров, экспертов, команды и ресурсы.

Taglines: “Everything is connected” “New culture of change”

  • 👉 Impact UA Ecosystem: Connect, Emerge, Influence.

Надо написать что-то похожее на это, main description:

  • “Impact UA is a dynamic ecosystem of social initiatives aimed at enhancing solidarity, resilience and positive changes in Ukraine through a diverse range of programs, partnerships and resources.”
  • “Impact UA is a dynamic hub of individuals and social projects. It's all about connecting people, solving problems and creating positive changes in Ukraine through self-initiated programs and partnerships”

Can you describe the main problems with your current visual identity?

  • People don’t understand the structure of ImpactUA
  • people don’t get what ImpactUA even is. We say:
    • ImpactOS is a mindset (yellow)
    • Impact Ecosystem is a community with its resources (orange & green)
    • Impact think tank is a team (blue)

What are the specific goals of the identity redesign?

  • Inspiration
  • Better look

What are the visual elements that the brand wants to keep? What are the visual elements that the brand wants to change?

  • Keep Atom? 🤷‍♂️

What are the brand's preferred color palette and typography?

  • 🤷‍♂️

Where and how will your brand identity be used?

  • Internal presentation
  • Presentation for potential clients or partners
  • social media (?)

What are the key touchpoints where the new identity will be applied?

  • Website
  • Banners
  • Colour palette, typography, graphic elements
  • Presentation templates
  • Animation

Future Growth. What is the long-term vision for ImpactUA?

Who will be responsible for the implementation of the new identity?

  • Dasha
  • Max
  • Den

What is the timeline for the identity redesign project?

  • Q3 2023?